Our Mission
“In the art and fantasy of fairy tales lies a very deep wisdom which has power to awaken children from the sleep of ordinary life. Forces of healing are also hidden in each fairy tale. The most important effect of the fairy tale is that they stimulate the feeling that man is a being of development, of struggle, of metamorphosis, and that behind all the adverse forces of giants and dwarfs, witches and demons there lies the good world of the true genius of man.”~ Frederick Hiebel
At The Little Owl we believe in the magic of stories and story telling. It is every child's right to dream and to learn. We envision a future where all children have the reading skills necessary to reach their full potential.
Our mission is to provide children with affordable good quality books thus become lifelong readers.
We hope to instill a passion for reading.
It is The Little Owl's mission to donate 10% of its proceeds to charity for underprivileged children.