Children’s World Atlas
Explore the world with this modern, educational atlas. Each continent and country
is illustrated with a full-colour physical map, annotated with capitals, towns, oceans,
rivers and mountains. Each continent and country section contains up-to-date statistics, including population and area. To pinpoint each country’s position in the world, every page shows the maps in situ on a locator globe. Information is presented in a colourful, easy-to access format and every page is bursting with photographs and features.
AGE +7
EXTENT 112pp
BINDING Paperback
FORMAT 297 x 228 / 11.7 x 9 in
AUTHOR Malcolm Watson
• Up-to-date statistics in an easy-to-access format
• Detailed guide to every country
• Search and find panels teach readers to locate features on the maps
• Ideal for Key Stages 3 and 4